October 20, 2019

Hello and welcome to my breakdown of the Penumbra weapons, here you can find a links to my past articles for Forsaken, Black Armory, Joker’s Wild, and Penumbra Below are the weapon’s base stats and my thoughts and opinions on their best rolls.
A Fine Memorial - Dreambane Engram, Machine Gun
Rate of Fire: 450
Impact: 41
Range: 47
Stability: 43
Handling: 45
Reload Speed: 50
Mag size: 55
Aim Assist: 61
Recoil Direction: 72
Curated Roll:
Adaptive Frame / Alloy Mag - Appended Mag / Under Pressure - Dynamic Sway Reduction - Slideways - Threat Detector - Moving Target - Feeding Frenzy / Rampage - High-Impact Reserves - Quickdraw - Firmly Planted - Snapshot Sights - Hip-Fire Grip
Recommended PvE Perks:
Sights: Fluted Barrel, Arrowhead Brake, Corkscrew Rifling
Magazine: High-Caliber Rounds, Appended Mag, Flared Magwell
Perk 1: Quickdraw, Pulse Monitor
Perk 2: Surrounded, Demolitionist
Masterwork: Reload
Recommended PvP Perks:
Sights: Fluted Barrel, Hammer-Forged Rifling, Smallbore
Magazine: High-Caliber Rounds, Ricochet Rounds, Light Mag
Perk 1: Quickdraw, Moving Target
Perk 2: Tap the Trigger, Demolitionist
Masterwork: Range
Are you tired of grinding forges? Tired of only Hammerhead being the best legendary option for PvP and Gambit? Well, A Fine Memorial is here for you! With a smaller loot pool and varying perks I think this machine gun will at least be able to hold its own before. Unfortunately it can’t roll feeding frenzy or anything that would help the reload more for PvE.
In PvP this can definitely compete against your god rolled hammerhead. Either fluted barrel for more handling and moving target. Or you can opt for more range and quickdraw. High-caliber rounds would also be my top pick to really ensure you can win your engagements, and tap the trigger is an amazing perk.
Edgewise - Vanguard Ritual Weapon, Machine Gun
Rate of Fire: 900
Impact: 25
Range: 33
Stability: 38
Handling: 42
Reload Speed: 64
Mag size: 73
Aim Assist: 68
Recoil Direction: 50
Curated Roll:
Rapid-Fire Frame / Polygonal Rifling / Light Mag / Feeding Frenzy - Field Prep / Rampage - Demolitionist
Recommended PvE Perks:
Sights: Polygonal Rifling
Magazine: Light Mag
Perk 1: Feeding Frenzy, Field Prep
Perk 2: Rampage, Demolitionist
Masterwork: Stability
Recommended PvP Perks:
Sights: Polygonal Rifling
Magazine: Light Mag
Perk 1: Feeding Frenzy, Field Prep
Perk 2: Demolitionist, Rampage
Masterwork: Stability
Edgewise is the new Vanguard ritual weapon. It’s an interesting roll, and I do believe it to have one of the top rolls for this archetype. The Rapid-Fire Frame machine guns aren’t extremely meta, but they are very fun to use. If you can control that recoil it does pump out a ton of damage. Not better than 21% Delirium, but still a great option if Gambit isn’t your thing.
For PvP there isn’t too much that stands out besides demolitionist or rampage for more grenades or an easier second kill. There are better options in this case.
Love and Death - Dreambane Engram, Grenade Launcher
Rate of Fire: 150
Blast Radius: 15
Velocity: 55
Stability: 29
Handling: 26
Reload Speed: 33
Mag size: 5
Aim Assist: 29
Recoil Direction: 50
Curated Roll:
Aggressive Frame / Proximity Grenades / Rangefinder / Rampage
Recommended PvE Perks:
Sights: Volatile Launch, Hard Launch
Magazine: Spike Grenades, Augmented Drum, Mini Frags
Perk 1: Field Prep, Threat Detector
Perk 2: Quickdraw, Full Court
Masterwork: Reload
Recommended PvP Perks:
Sights: Confined Launch, Linear Compensator
Magazine: Proximity Grenades, High-Explosive Ordinance
Perk 1: Rangefinder
Perk 2: Quickdraw
Masterwork: Blast Radius
While 150 grenade launchers are no longer the DPS king, if you never got a god rolled Outrageous Fortune or Swarm of the Raven, then this is the next best thing. You’ll still want the tried and true spike grenades / field prep for deeper ammo reserves and the outlaw-lite when crouched. As well as lowering the blast radius as much as possible to keep the impact and explosion close and tight.
In PvP these fall off hard from their near S tier in PvE. Their claim to fame of having low blast radius to do maximum damage is their Achilles heel. Too little blast radius means harder OHKs and proximity grenades lowers blast radius even further. Not the best option here.
Night Terror - Dreambane Engram, Sword
Swing Speed: 46
Impact: 62
Range: 46
Efficiency: 55
Defense: 57
Ammo Capacity: 60
Curated Roll:
Adaptive Frame / Honed Edge / Enduring Guard / Burst Guard / Assassin’s Blade
Recommended PvE Perks:
Sights: Jagged Edge, Honed Edge, Tempered Edge
Magazine: Heavy Guard
Perk 1: Relentless Strikes, Tireless Blade
Perk 2: Whirlwind Blade
Masterwork: Impact
Recommended PvP Perks:
Sights: Hungry Edge, Enduring Blade, Honed Edge
Magazine: Heavy Guard
Perk 1: Tireless Blade
Perk 2: Assassin’s Blade, En Garde
Masterwork: Impact
While an extremely aesthetically pleasing weapon, the Night Terror still has the same issues as other swords; being a sword. Swords are not meta and haven’t been meta for a very long time. At least for PvE you can make do in something like Crown of Sorrows during certain encounters. But nothing really stands out as this sword being beneficial over literally any other sword.
Temporal Clause - Season Pass reward, Machine Gun
Rate of Fire: 900
Impact: 25
Range: 33
Stability: 38
Handling: 39
Reload Speed: 67
Mag size: 75
Aim Assist: 68
Recoil Direction: 59
Curated Roll:
Rapid-Fire Frame / Smallbore / Alloy Mag / Genesis / Surrounded
Recommended PvE Perks:
Sights: Fluted Barrel, Arrowhead Brake, Corkscrew Rifling
Magazine: High-Caliber Rounds, Appended Mag, Flared Magwell
Perk 1: Quickdraw, Auto-loading Holster
Perk 2: Surrounded, Rampage
Masterwork: Reload
Recommended PvP Perks:
Sights: Fluted Barrel, Arrowhead Brake
Magazine: High-Caliber Rounds, Ricochet Rounds, Light Mag
Perk 1: Quickdraw, Firmly Planted
Perk 2: Rangefinder, Eye of the Storm, Rampage
Masterwork: Range
The final weapon we’re taking a look at is the Temporal Clause. This is a season pass exclusive and has some really interesting perks. The fact that it can be randomly rolled puts it above Edgewise and 21% Delirium. The biggest boon for this weapon is it’s RPM and the ability to roll high caliber rounds for the most flinch a gun can offer. You can’t roll something like outlaw or feeding frenzy, but if you crank up that magazine via appended or extended mag paired with a backup mag and roll something like auto-loading holster you won’t ever have to reload. But none of the fourth tier perks really work too well for the machine gun archetypes.
In PvP there’s definitely a big appeal for this over a hammerhead but your mileage may vary. I enjoy the 900 RPM machine guns, they’re fun. Something like firmly planted can really help this gun out. Better stability while crouched is very, very good for faster firing weapons and harder to control guns.
If you'd like to see more breakdowns you can read my Kinetic Breakdown and Energy Breakdowns. Happy Hunting Guardians!